Serving her country 1946 - 1977

The life and times of this great ship in photos and word by the great sailors who crewed her.

Reunion 2000

Day 4



Joe Saunders runs the auction and door prizes.

Calloway bought it for less than a thousand!

The bidding rages...

Harry Marker models a Navy towek for a potential bidder

Hutch reads another winning ticket number

Chief Harris goes home empty. 

 Out bid on everything?

George "Buck" Kilmer shows off two of the top bid items

(The anchor clock at left was hand made by shipmate Larry Dixon at a cost of $18,000)

RICH Association President Johnny Skillen with wife Kay

Dave and Mary Beth Dore try out their dancin' shoes

USAF "Sarg" Bill Greene with pal

Diana Allman

Time for this sailor to head back

And goodbyes until next year.  :::sniff:::

A heartfelt thanks


©2000 by Marshall K DuBois - All Rights Reserved